16. Juli 2012

EBD 01 - Home is where the heart is

Yesterday the first European Bible Dialog ended. We were 32 people between the ages 2 and 82 from 10 different European countries (and, well, one pastor came from Bangkok). HEIMAT means home, but has so many more facets, that we might as well have discussed it for several more days. What we all – including myself – take home with us: a feeling that we have a home in our faith, a home that lasts, even if we have to leave the place where we grew us for whatever reasons we might have. And that we are all still searching, that we are still on the road towards our final home in God. Maybe we are more aware of this when we are actually travelling. We only pack what is most necessary and “Things” are less important. But we take along out experiences and memories; stories and traditions. HEIMAT – home is more than a place on a map: Home is where the heart is.

2 Kommentare:

  1. The Bible Week again was fantastic. It is interesting each time how these weeks are different from each other in some ways but on the other hand very much alike. Seeing old friends and making new ones is always fun and this topic brought people together as they were sharing their own experiences.

  2. Hello Anna, thanks for the comment. Hope to see you again soon.


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