11. März 2013

A SOUL FOR EUROPE. Eine Seele für Europa

Does Europe or does any continent have a soul? In this year's encounter conference of the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe (CPCE), we will discuss what Protestantism could mean in terms of such a European soul. And we will have to ask ourselves: Just how „Christian“ is the soul of Europe? 
There will be interactive bible study, lectures and excursions in Berlin as well as plenty of time for discussions and getting to know each other. 
One of the most popular aspects of this Bible Dialogue are the regional reports: Participants from different countries are asked to prepare a brief presentation on how the respective topic is discussed in their home country, so we ask you: What do people think of Europe in your country? Is there any discussion at all that doesn't circle around debt and financial crisis? 
The conference will be from June 19-23, 2013 in Berlin. If you cannot wait that long, you can leave your thoughts and comments here on this blog.

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