19. Juli 2018

SHATTERED IMAGES - Faith under (De)Construction

Nächste Woche beginnt unsere Studientagung für Theologiestudierende in Riga. Sie wird nicht nur europäisch sondern wohl eher "global" ausfallen, was das Thema natürlich noch spannender macht. Unsere Gottesbilder sind um so zerbrechlicher, je fester sie sind. Was hat es mit dem Bilderverbot auf sich, wenn wir eigentlich kaum ohne Bilder in unseren Köpfen auskommen. 
Werden wir Gemeinsamkeiten feststellen zwischen den Ländern des Nordens, Westens, Ostens oder des Südens, was den Umgang mit zerbrochenen Gottesbildern, Selbstbildern, Weltbildern angeht? Oder gibt es da große Unterschiede?  
God created humankind in his own image. But is our image of God more than a mirror image, one that we have constructed? Like mirrors, our images of God can break and we may feel like something inside us shattered. There are questions or situations in our lives that make us doubt our own faith or even God. But our faith, if it is to be alive and resilient, needs to be forever under construction. Maybe our doubts, our shaken or even shattered ideas of what is true can bring us a little closer to the truth that is God and make us humble. In Riga, we will talk about the experience of perpetual deconstruction and reassessment of the images of God, which also took place in the churches after the Iron Curtain opened and which have to be undertaken again and again by every generation. This will be not only a basis for our discussion about God's and humankind’s images, but also about diversity, unity and tolerance.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Der Kommentar wurde von einem Blog-Administrator entfernt.

  2. After visiting Riga couple of times, it has finally become a dear and memorable place for me due to this wonderful conference and many beautiful particpants from all over the world! It was an honor to be part of all superinteresting discussions along with respected pastors and other theology students. The conference was well-organized, with presentations and lectures that were to the point. It was one of the most useful experiences in my life. Thank you!


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