16. Juni 2022

No Cheap Grace? Study conference in Poland

 *** Die Studientagung für Studierende der Theologie wird auf Englisch sein, Wenn Sie Informationen in deutscher Sprache wünschen, schreiben sie mir bitte: hahn@eaberlin.de.

This is our European study conference (July 27 to 31. 2022 in Wrocław, Poland) for students of theology and related subjects. Times are difficult and every one of our decisions might have consequences that are impossible to foresee. Sometimes, we do find clear direction on what to do in a crisis. If this direction is found in the Gospel, it can make us true disciples of Jesus. But what does discipleship mean for us in Europe today? In Wroclaw, where Dietrich Bonhoeffer was born, we will discuss, how we experience and live discipleship and how we can proclaim Jesus’ call for discipleship.

Young theologians face a world that is in need of hearing the Gospel as much as any generation before us, but too many of us, don’t know this. Spreading the Gospel means to speak of Jesus’ Love and Grace for all people, of repentance and the kingdom of God. Sola Fide! Sola Gratia! No works righteousness! But what then are the consequences of our faith for our lives here and now?

The study conference will be in English. On request, we can provide simultaneous interpretation between English and German. Students‘ participation is generously financed by the Union of Protestant Churches in Germany (UEK).  Students from Ukraine and other countries east or southeast of Germany participate for free.

For more information and the possibility to register your participation, go to the website of the Protestant Academy Berlin: https://www.eaberlin.de/seminars/data/2022/rel/no-cheap-grace/

Die Konferenzsprache der Studientagung ist Englisch: Für Informationen in deutscher Sprache wenden Sie sich bitte an hahn@eaberlin.de

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