13. Juli 2012

Officially the first European Bible Dialogue

The encounter started Wednesday and once more I was amazed at how quickly people who don't know each other can open up and speak with each other about their beliefs and their thoughts on HOME. Better:  HEIMAT. That is the topic of this Bible Dialogue. There are participants from Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, Cech Republic, Latvia and Russia. We communicate not just in English and German but from what I can hear when I walk by the small groups left and right of me, just about every European Language existing. HEIMAT is a German word that means home, but the house where one feels at home as much as a region where one comes from. We soon found that there are many more different concepts of home. Home can even be a person who is dear to us. Even a soccer club and finally: our faith in God. Tomorrow we will study the Bible again and search for ideas on being at home in God.

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