19. Februar 2013

We chose the good part... EBD 09

Sunday we finished our Bible Dialogue on the topic „ Love the Lord your God … and your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37-39). The foundation of this bible dialogue were the hours of bible study (the Good Samaritan (Luke 10,25-37), Mary and Martha (Lukas 10,38-42) and Corinthians 13) and plenty of time for discussions in small groups. Those formed the basis on which other approaches, like the history of love or Love in the arts – could build. Silhouette of biblical couples found special interest among participants.
Some were surprised that it is not the wounded man who is the neighbor to the god Samaritan but that it is the other way around. With this in mind the commandment to love our enemies is seen in a new light. We all knew of course the commandment to love the Lord, our God, but did we ever realize what it means that God wants to be loved by us?
Loving God looks different for all of us. Maybe it is easier to speak openly about our thoughts in an unfamiliar environment? I am always amazed how open and friendly participants communicate at Bible Dialogues.
Mary and Martha (Luke 10, 38-42), the two sisters, had us thinking and discussing. Most of us identified with Martha, the one who busies herself taking care of everyone’s needs but her own. In Berlin at the Bible Dialogue we could be like Mary, and the good part we chose for ourselves: listening to the Bible and to each other, we take with us for good.

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