24. Juni 2013

Wer oder was ist die Seele Europas? Who or what is the Soul of Europe?

Yesterday we ended the Bible Dialogue „A Soul for Europe“. There was a lot of praise and a good deal of constructive criticism. I agree that we might have spent too much time with a diversity of statements and too little for practical and concrete (future) projects. Maybe we needed to get to know each other first of all: not just as conference participants, but as people from 6 European countries, young and old generations, east and west, north and south. Our views on Europe, historical, economic, political, and spiritual, are diverse. Maybe the discussion can only begin to be practical now? Some noted on the evaluation sheets that they feel more motivated now to work on the project Europe, because it is at a turning point and because it is worth it.
The European Bible Dialogues (one concrete project) of the Union of Protestant Churches in Germany and the Protestant Academy Berlin aim to get people to talk with one another and realize that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. Did we succeed? Where do we go from here? Without exchange of thoughts Europe, will drift further apart. Talking may not be enough, but it is a beginning. We should start from here. In the blog for nowmaybe and then, more concrete …
I experienced at this conference that people are the soul of Europe.

Gestern ging unser Bibeldialog „Eine Seele für Europa“ zu Ende. Es gab viel Lob und auch viel konstruktive Kritik. Ich denke auch, wir haben manchmal zu viel Zeit mit sehr unterschiedlichen Statements verbracht und es blieb zu wenig Zeit, sich wirklich mit konkreten – noch zu schaffenden – Projekten zu befassen, aber vielleicht mussten wir uns erst einmal kennenlernen. Nicht nur als TagungsteilnehmerInnen, sondern auch als EuropäerInnen aus 6 Ländern, als junge und ältere Generationen, aus Nord und Süd, Ost und West. Unser Blick auf Europa - historisch, politisch, wirtschaftlich, spirituell - ist vielfältig. Vielleicht kann die Diskussion erst jetzt anfangen. Einige Teilnehmer haben auf den Auswertungsbögen notiert, dass sie sich motiviert fühlen am Projekt Europa zu arbeiten, weil es zu scheitern droht, aber auch, weil es sich lohnt.
Die Europäischen Bibeldialoge der Union Evangelischer Kirchen und der Evangelischen Akademie zu Berlin wollen Menschen miteinander ins Gespräch bringen, dazu beitragen, dass wir uns als Brüder und Schwestern in Christus erleben. Ist das gelungen? Und wie kann es weitergehen? Ohne Gedankenaustausch werden wir in Europa weiter auseinandergeraten. Miteinander reden ist nicht genug, aber ein Anfang. An der Stelle sollten wir weitermachen. Erst einmal hier im Blog und konkreter dann… 
Ich habe bei der Tagung erlebt, dass die Menschen die Seele Europas sind.

2 Kommentare:

  1. We may not all agree on what constitutes the soul of Europe or how the soul is going to lead the 'body of Europe', but we certainly came in one spirit to this year's 'Bibeldialog'. We set borders and then transcended them - we experienced a unity of thought in the midst of our different views on what Europe is or where it is headed. Discussions were lively, stimulating and thought-provoking. I personally have learned so many things about what churches are doing in other European countries, how inter-European church partnerships are one successful and invigorating way of crossing borders, bringing people together in Christian discipleship. I have enjoyed the company of so many nice people who have shared their experience of living and serving in their countries and churches. One highlight was the connection between Scripture and the 'European matter', explored in small groups and shared with the whole contingent. Another was the worship and the eucharistic service which wrapped up a half-week of blessings: the service reminded me of what the early church practices were, how the personal and the communal intertwined in a community of faith. The variety of languages - translated, not submerged - was there to remind us that distinction and wholeness are not irreconcilable categories: though of many tongues, our group witnessed to the harmony and unity in Christ. I think I am not wrong when I say that we as a group successfully proved that Europe can be a meeting place where specificities are not a premise of conflict, but of rich neighbourliness. I look forward to taking part in future 'Bibeldialog's.

    1. I have also learned very much about other Protestant churches in Europe that I didn't know before. So much diversity - national and generational - and yet, when we came together to worship that last morning in many different languages, we were one in Christ. Thank you for all your contributions. I hope for a Wiedersehen next year.
      God bless you


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