*** Wenn Sie diesen Post auf Deutsch lesen möchten, lassen Sie es mich bitte wissen: hahn@eaberlin.de.
With Julian
and Fleur from UK and Joanna from Poland, we discussed the agenda for our
evening-Dialogue on the EU Elections on May 17. Well May 17th is our
online-dialogue. The elections will be held in June. And yes, we hope to
inspire people to really go and vote. And no, we will not suggest specific
parties to give your vote to. We are quite sure that our participants from all
over Europe are able to think and analyse the political landscape themselves.
But what
should we as Christians bother with politics at all, and what about this
European Union? Well, register and see… The Online-Evening will be in both
English and German, but we provide simultaneous interpretation between these
too languages.
But here is
what we have planned:
your (European) neighbour as yourself?! | Theological reflections on the
European Elections
- Welcome and Introductions
- The CPCE-Statement
on the EU-Elections (Prof. Dr. Hans Jürgen Luibl, Germany) The CPCE is the
Communion of Protestant Churches in Europe with over 90 member Churches all
over Europe.
- “Love your neighbour near and distant”: Karl Barth recognised that there
are both 'near and distant neighbours’ to whom we have a responsibility of
care. And he argued: “A Christian people is one in which paganism and national
egoism are broken, judged, and purified by the Spirit of Christ.” We will
explore what this theological imperative might mean for our political life and
democratic involvement. (Rev. Dr Julian Templeton, UK)
- “Love your neighbour everywhere – The universal nature of the Christian
faith”: Can we try and find a concept of home that is both future oriented and
invites renewed fellowship and reconciliation? (Rev. Fleur Houston, UK)
- Prayer for Europe (Prof. Dr. Hans Jürgen Luibl)
The Bible
Dialogues are as the name says: Dialogues, so we want to hear about your
thoughts and opinions and we also look at what the Bible can say to this. The
Bible? On Europe? Well, the Bible actually looks past all borders so Europe may
be a little too narrow, but let us start there for now. 😊
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